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Basketball: Bio

Freshman Year (Junior Varsity)

When I was younger, I was exposed to various sports including swimming, soccer, softball, fencing, and ice skating. However, when I was in fifth grade, I asked my parents to sign me up for a local basketball league. I played in the recreational league for one year and I immediately fell in love with the sport, so I continued to play on competitive teams throughout middle school.

In my first year of high school, I tried out for the Girls’ Basketball Program, and I was the only freshman on the Junior Varsity team. Most of my teammates ranged from 5’6” to 6’3,”  but I was only 5’1”. I did not let this hinder my success as I showed up early to the 6 am practices and all the games. My determination and perseverance allowed me to be the starting point-guard throughout the season and I received the Most Valuable Player award from my coaches.

Sophomore Year (Varsity)

During COVID-19, I primarily missed my relationships with my teammates and coaches. My teammates are some of my closest friends, and during basketball season we would spend every day after school together. We came from various backgrounds and different grade levels, but basketball allowed us to work towards a common goal. I was not expecting to have a season my sophomore year, but I was so fortunate that the Girls Basketball Varsity program took place in a reduced two-month season. To ensure that we can safely participate in sports, our team and coaches emphasize the importance of following the safety protocols, like weekly testing and wearing a mask when off the court. It’s great to be back in the gym with inspiring leaders of Coach Mark Wainwright and Coach Colleen Tribby. They have always been supportive of their players, like myself, on and off the court. Although the season consisted of a reduced two-month season instead of our four- to five-month season, I learned so much from being on the varsity team in such a short time. 

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Junior Year (Varsity)

In my junior year, I quickly became one of the oldest players on the team. With most of our team being new and younger players, our responsibility was to mentor the underclassmen and teach them the ropes. For example, at the beginning of the season, I gathered in a circle with the new players and explained the new plays to them. With over 30 plays and systems, I understood that it was challenging for new players to learn in such a short period so I made sure to answer any of their questions and concerns. 

My favorite part of the game are my teammates. The interactions on and off court allowed me to create strong relationships and gain confidence. As the starting point-guard my freshman year, I was among the facilitators and leaders on and off the court even though I was the youngest on the team. I learned to work well with others and responsibility. While playing a team sport, you learn the importance of having others depend on you. Not only is this important to sports, also in other tasks like meetings and collaborating with others on projects.

Basketball: Welcome

Senior Year (Varsity)

As a senior, I had a successful season with the varsity basketball team while juggling a challenging workload at school. As team captain, I worked closely with the new varsity players to ensure they understand our strategies and game plans. I served as a mentor to some of the younger players, encouraging them to work hard and stay positive as they adjust to the demands of high school basketball.

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Basketball: Pro Gallery
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